What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive Technology is equipment and strategies that can be used by disabled people to help them increase or improve function. In the context of the services provided by the TalkLink Trust this includes options to help with speaking, writing, learning and controlling the environment.

What is the Service?

A specialist assessment process that aims to identify assistive technology options. The service also prepares funding applications for provision of client equipment, as well as training in the use of the equipment.

Who may use the service?

Anybody who has a disability and has difficulty communicating through speaking, writing, learning and/or controlling their environment.

Who provides the service?

There is a clinical team that will be assigned to your case. Your team may include a speech-language therapist, occupational therapist, teacher or technician.

What does the service cost?

If you are eligible to use the service then there is no cost involved. If you are an ACC claimant then your ACC case owner must make the referral to TalkLink.

How can I access the service?

Contact a TalkLink office for a referral form or download a referral form from this site. Complete the form and return it to TalkLink. A TalkLink case manager will contact you to make an appointment.

How do I make a complaint about the service?

If you would like a copy of our complaints procedure please contact support@talklink.org.nz  TalkLink is committed to the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights An independent Commissioner promotes and protects these rights under the Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994. Independent Advocates are also available to support consumers to uphold their rights under this Act. Information brochures on the Health and Disability Advocacy Service, a Consumer’s Guide to the Health and Disability Commissioner, and further information on the Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights are available from TalkLink or the Health and Disability Commissioner’s Office. Health and Disability Commissioner National Freephone:  0800 11 22 33 website www.hdc.org.nz, E-mail: hdc@hdc.org.nz

Do I have to pay for the equipment?

Your TalkLink case manager will advise you of the eligibility criteria for assistive equipment funding. When you are provided with equipment,  you may keep it as long as you need it. When you no longer need the equipment,  it should be returned to TalkLink.

What can I do if I am not eligible for equipment funding?

TalkLink may still advise you about appropriate assistive equipment. You may then wish to purchase it yourself or raise funds privately. TalkLink may be willing to teach you how to use the equipment.

What should I do if the equipment breaks down?

Contact your TalkLink case manager for advice on what to do if your equipment breaks down. Or email support@talklink.org.nz