Are you a teacher, teacher aide or SENCO working with a student who has complex communication needs and emergent or early literacy levels? Not sure where or how to start with their literacy instruction?
Guided by the comprehensive literacy for all principles (Center for Literacy and Disability Studies (University of North Carolina), Dr Sally Clendon and Jane Farrall), TalkLink teachers are offering a hands-on, practical webinar aimed at looking at each of the recommended blocks of daily literacy instruction for these learners:
· Independent Writing
· Shared Writing
· Independent Reading
· Shared Reading
· Alphabet knowledge and phonological awareness[HB2]
A range of strategies and tools will be shared that allow all students, including those with physical or visual challenges to access all of these literacy building block activities.
The webinar will also cover how to assess your student, set goals, and develop a literacy profile.
Offered each term, the webinar consists of two 2-hour sessions (in week 2 and week 8). In the time between sessions, participants can take away the learning and shared resources from Session One, and begin implementing the activities with their students. Session Two will include sharing successes, answering questions and trouble shooting.
If you require more information about whether this is suitable for your student(s) please email Polly (polly.thomas@talklink.org.nz) to discuss.
Polly, and Jane are teachers with the TalkLink team who have completed the NZ comprehensive literacy for all intensive workshop and have worked extensively with students for many years implementing these literacy strategies.
Upcoming courses:
Term 3 - Thursday 1st August and Thurs 5th September, 9:30am - 11:30am
Held via Zoom
Cost - $200. Registrations are through Humanitix -Click here to register