Raising the AAC Profile Part 2
Last week we talked about the positive impact having a teacher share her successes in using AAC tools and strategies can have on other teachers.
So consider the impact that a person who uses AAC can have on people’s lives when they share their insights. We know how positive this can be whenever our TalkLink ambassadors share their stories, and attend KiwiChat events to work with the students.
So when TalkLink ambassador Mackenzie Kench contacted me this week with a link to her new website http://www.minspeaker.com/ I was excited to think: here is another great resource to help our mission to, as Mackenzie puts it: “support the supporters”.
Take a few minutes to visit Mackenzie’s website, it is well worth it!

Last week we talked about the positive impact having a teacher share her successes in using AAC tools and strategies can have on other teachers.
So consider the impact that a person who uses AAC can have on people’s lives when they share their insights. We know how positive this can be whenever our TalkLink ambassadors share their stories, and attend KiwiChat events to work with the students.
So when TalkLink ambassador Mackenzie Kench contacted me this week with a link to her new website http://www.minspeaker.com/ I was excited to think: here is another great resource to help our mission to, as Mackenzie puts it: “support the supporters”.
Take a few minutes to visit Mackenzie’s website, it is well worth it!