Voice Banking
Voice Banking
Voice banking is a process of recording your natural speaking voice to create a synthetic version of your voice. This voice can be used to speak for you in the event you are unable to speak verbally in the future. The process involves recording yourself speaking a set of sentences into computer software. The software then takes these sentences, breaks them down into parts and uses these to create a synthetic voice which can speak anything, not just the sentences you recorded. The synthetic voice should sound somewhat like your natural voice but does depend on the quality of the recordings and the clarity of your speech at the time of recording
Message Banking
Message banking is a process of recording phrases to be used if you are no longer able to speak. Each phrase you record can be uploaded to a communication device and spoken out. Unlike voicebanking, only the sentences you record can be spoken in your voice. You may decide that you don’t want to go through the process of voicebanking, but would like to be able to communicate a set of important phrases using the recordings of your natural voice.
Do I need to voicebank?
You may decide you want to voicebank if you know that in the future there is the possibility that you may not be able to use your voice anymore. Voice banking is not mandatory, as there are digital voices available that can be used should you need to communicate using a device. However, if you would like to use a voice which is personal to you and sounds more like your natural voice, then you may choose to voicebank. If you bank your voice and decide you don’t like how it sounds, you can choose to use a digital voice instead.

To download a PDF of this table, click here
Worried about your privacy and the protection of your data? Please see the relevant website pages to find out more.
The VoiceKeeper - click here
Speak Unique - click here
Acapela - click here and click here
Modeltalker - click here
Want to hear some honest opinions about voicebanking from some New Zealander with Motor Neurone Disease?
Watch the video below of Chris Kemp and Dr. Natalie Gauld who have completed the voice banking project.
Still unsure which voicebanking service to use? Have a listen to some voice sample comparisons below to help you make up your mind.
The Voicekeeper (Please note these samples are of children who have voice banked, but the same technology applies!)
Click here and scroll down to voice samples.
Speak Unique - Click here
LET’S GET STARTED! ONCE YOU HAVE SELECTED A VOICE BANKING SERVICE TO USE, GO TO THE WEBSITE AND GIVE IT A GO! Alternatively, you can click on the relevant links below for a step by step tutorial.
The Voicekeeper: They suggest that their process is so easy to follow on the website, that you do not need a comprehensive guide to follow.
Speak Unique: Step by step document, no videos available.
- Voice Build - click here for the document
- Voice repair - click here for the document
Acapela: click here for a video or type into YouTube "how to create an Acapela Account and begin the Voice Banking Process)
(Voices are held online until needed - check with each provider if there are questions)
To dowload the flier for Voice Banking, please click here
Voice Banking
Voice banking is a process of recording your natural speaking voice to create a synthetic version of your voice. This voice can be used to speak for you in the event you are unable to speak verbally in the future. The process involves recording yourself speaking a set of sentences into computer software. The software then takes these sentences, breaks them down into parts and uses these to create a synthetic voice which can speak anything, not just the sentences you recorded. The synthetic voice should sound somewhat like your natural voice but does depend on the quality of the recordings and the clarity of your speech at the time of recording
Message Banking
Message banking is a process of recording phrases to be used if you are no longer able to speak. Each phrase you record can be uploaded to a communication device and spoken out. Unlike voicebanking, only the sentences you record can be spoken in your voice. You may decide that you don’t want to go through the process of voicebanking, but would like to be able to communicate a set of important phrases using the recordings of your natural voice.
Do I need to voicebank?
You may decide you want to voicebank if you know that in the future there is the possibility that you may not be able to use your voice anymore. Voice banking is not mandatory, as there are digital voices available that can be used should you need to communicate using a device. However, if you would like to use a voice which is personal to you and sounds more like your natural voice, then you may choose to voicebank. If you bank your voice and decide you don’t like how it sounds, you can choose to use a digital voice instead.

To download a PDF of this table, click here
Worried about your privacy and the protection of your data? Please see the relevant website pages to find out more.
The VoiceKeeper - click here
Speak Unique - click here
Acapela - click here and click here
Modeltalker - click here
Want to hear some honest opinions about voicebanking from some New Zealander with Motor Neurone Disease?
Watch the video below of Chris Kemp and Dr. Natalie Gauld who have completed the voice banking project.
Still unsure which voicebanking service to use? Have a listen to some voice sample comparisons below to help you make up your mind.
The Voicekeeper (Please note these samples are of children who have voice banked, but the same technology applies!)
Click here and scroll down to voice samples.
Speak Unique - Click here
LET’S GET STARTED! ONCE YOU HAVE SELECTED A VOICE BANKING SERVICE TO USE, GO TO THE WEBSITE AND GIVE IT A GO! Alternatively, you can click on the relevant links below for a step by step tutorial.
The Voicekeeper: They suggest that their process is so easy to follow on the website, that you do not need a comprehensive guide to follow.
Speak Unique: Step by step document, no videos available.
- Voice Build - click here for the document
- Voice repair - click here for the document
Acapela: click here for a video or type into YouTube "how to create an Acapela Account and begin the Voice Banking Process)
(Voices are held online until needed - check with each provider if there are questions)
To dowload the flier for Voice Banking, please click here