Maqymseahe Ninces
Bachelor of Communication, Master of Business Studies
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Geneva Hakaraia-Tino
Bachelor of Communication Studies
At the age of four, I was referred to Te Wāhanga Tū Kōrero and as a result, I have been able to have a voice in society. I have also been able to be educated through mainstream and attend university. I have had the upmost privilege to be a TalkLink ambassador and mentor tāmariki who utilise AAC alongside their whānau. During my time at university, I pursued my journey to learn Te Reo Māori. This sparked a passion within me to support TalkLink to develop a Te Reo synthetic voice for AAC devices, a kaupapa that remains at the forefront of my mind. In addition to leading this project, I am a postgraduate student at AUT and a communications consultant. I also serve as a member of the National Enabling Good Lives Leadership group and the Disability and Learning Support NCEA Panel. In my spare time, it is important to me to maintain a holistic well-being so I try to keep active and often travel back to my turangawaewae.

Maqymseahe Ninces
Bachelor of Communication, Master of Business Studies
After being referred to the TalkLink Trust in 1997, I was able to find a voice through augmentative and alternative communication.. Since then, I have been through mainstream education and university alongside my able-bodied peers. As a teenager and young adult, I have had the pleasure and privilege of being a TalkLink Trust ambassador and mentoring the families of younger AAC users, and I continue to do so. Currently, I work in the disability sector, and I also serve on the TalkLink Trust Board, Sailability Auckland Board, Giving Voice Aotearoa Consumer Panel. I am also working alongside the NZ Speech Therapy Association to explore and improve the experience of capacity for people living with complex communication needs. In my spare time, I enjoy sailing and going to the gym.Learn more about Maqymseahe on http://www.minspeaker.com